Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What a weekend.

I stayed true to my goal and played WoW all night Friday, all day and night Saturday, and a few hours on Sunday. I managed to come out with about 13-14k honor farmed. This number would have been significantly higher, but I was forced to play enough AB on my priest to get 40 marks, because the next pieces on my list were the blue shoulders and the epic cloak. Had those games been AV matches instead of AB, my honor would have come in several thousand higher. That's the breaks when gearing up a new character though.

This morning I bought my fourth piece of S1 armor for my warrior. Our team was pretty pathetic, never once breaking 1700 although we came close a couple of times. Still, I feel some sense of accomplishment finally having 15 second intercepts, which was something that I always wanted. It should be interesting to see if I notice a difference at all this week. If you interrupt a spell with a pummel it gives you a four second lockout. If I'm beating on a healing class, I will usually pummel a heal, get another regular swing off (3.8) and then when pummel is about to wear off I get range and intercept. Now the guy is stunned for three seconds, allowing me to get another regular swing off and at least an MS. By the time he comes out of intercept, pummel should be just about to cool down, allowing me to interupt his 3rd healing attempt. At this point I'm pretty much out of interrupts unless I feel like blowing int. shout just to interrupt a heal but to be honest if I've pulled this tactic off flawlessly we usually have won the fight. In addition to the anti-kiting benefits of a 15 second intercept, it should help with my interrupts as well.

The trinket change last week definitely helps my warrior out. Although I'm pretty good at getting a hunter's pet to break freezing trap (via challenging shout), sometimes you just get stuck in those fuckers and have to sit there while the rest of your team gets owned. It's really a horrible feeling and sometimes it just feels like the god damned trap is never going to end. I cried tears of joy this week as I trinketed out of freezing trap and proceeded to beat hunters down left and right. Ahhhhhh.

After starting the week off with a bad loss and then a left queue which somehow resulted in us taking another loss, we came back and gained about 100 points to finish around 1600 for the week. Not a bad start considering that all the ratings were brought to 1500 and you end up running into some really good teams.

As for the priest, my gear is still a huge problem in arena, although now I have a whopping 80 resilience (look out). I'm sitting at around 9k hp buffed, 9k mana and 500 healing, kill me. Despite my assy gear, we still managed to finish positive for the week, at around 1540. We faced a shadow priest/lock team 3 times and probably gave them around 45 points. They owned us so hard that I wanted to log off and quit video games. Non-affliction warlocks I can heal though with pretty much no problem, but when faced with an aflliction lock + spriest we're talking about a lot of damage for one undergeared priest to heal. Add a felhunter into the mix and it's g fucking g. The first fight they kept my partner (41 Arc/Fire) locked down with silience and spell lock. At least this fight I was able to heal and even though we didn't do a lot of damage it still felt like a decent fight. After that they kept the felhunter on me, which limited the amount of healing I could do and made the fights extremely short and ugly. I wonder if it isn't worth trying to kill the felhunter in this matchup, but at the time we pretty much just had to bend over and take it.


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