Thursday, June 28, 2007

Rough Night

You won't see me claiming to be anything special PVP wise in this blog. Arena ratings are the yard stick by which any player can be judged, and using that system of measurement it's pretty safe to say that I must not be very good. Like I've said previously, during the first season neither my 2v2 or 3v3 team ever broke the 1700 barrier. I believe 1680 something is the closest we got. I played a warrior all season 1, and didn't finish leveling my priest until the last couple of weeks of the season.

As a warrior, I sometimes feel limited in terms of the impact I have on a match. In both my teams, my job is primarily to dps our assist target, and in 2v2 I am the sole source of dps. I try to make myself useful by keeping dps off of my healer, hamstringing opponents, and interrupting with Int Shout and Intercept, but at times I feel that the fight just doesn't rely on me. I do my dps, I interrupt, and hope for the best. The main reason that I rolled a priest is that I always felt that good healing can turn the tide of a fight and wanted to be the one to do so.

While I think that last season has shown that I may not be the best PVPer in the world, I still enjoy it immensely, and also feel qualified to write about it, even if I'm not playing at the top levels. I've played a lot of WoW since 11/04, and feel that I have a lot to say about the game.

Last night we played our first matches of the season with our 3v3 team. Our team is decently geared and we run a Warrior/Mage/Druid setup. The mage is Heavy Arcane (Slow) / Fire, and the druid is Resto. We started the night of great, going 7-2 and getting up around a 1600 rating. Spirits were high and the queue time was virtually instant. We should have quit while we were ahead. We suffered several losses to the same two teams. One was comprised of Shaman/Hunter/Warrior and the other was Frost Mage/SPriest/Lock. Against each of these teams we were vitually powerless. The hunter made excellent use of frost trap which made it very difficult for me to stay on my target, and the shaman was nigh un-killable. Against the second team, the Frost mage used his elemental to restrict my movement, and the team was able to drop me from 100-0 in the blink of an eye. Much faster than my druid was able to keep up with. Plus, with the warlock spam fearing and spriest silence, he was lucky to even get an NS heal off before I went down. Still, there were a few close games against that team, but in the end I think we went 0-4. Against the first team we went 0-3.

That many losses is devastating to morale. As I said, I enjoy PVP immensely but I am also very competitive. Losing bothers me a great deal and even though the mage is my brother and the druid is someone I've known for more than 20 years tensions can still get out of hand. I try to avoid playing the blame game and always will be the first to admin when I make a mistake. During a losing streak like that it can become very easy to lose focus. When this happens we tend to find ourselves arguing right into the start of the next match, making us unprepared for the fight at hand as we continue to argue about the previous one. It's a bad cycle to get into, and the smart thing to do is to simply stop queuing until everyone has had a chance to calm down. Unfortunately pride often wins out over smarts. We finished the night with a dismal 1521 rating and the general feeling of "omg we suck". Sad as it is to say, it pretty much ruined my night and I'm still upset about it now. My druid friend is actually coming into town to visit with a couple of other friends this weekend, so our 3v3 team is done for the week. I still need to get 10 games on my priest, and hopefully that goes a little better.


Blogger Unknown said...

hey vic its greg, i read a funny mage thread i thought i would share with you. hope this works

3:26 AM  

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