Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Wait, how much?

So after a lot of stupid grinding in the morning before work and some decent luck with prospecting ore, I finally purchased my epic flying mount last weekend. I Definitely feel a sense of accomplishment and it is fucking _FAST_ but I can't help feeling a little silly that I just spent the equivalent of several hundred actual US dollars on something in a video game. I'm personally a little paranoid about the websites I visit, so I'm not about to dig around gold selling sites to find out exactly how much 5000 gold is worth these days, but I'd have to image that we're talking anywhere from 300-600$ USD. Even though the secondary market has been around for a long time I'm still not totally used to the idea of my video game money being worth more than the currencies of half the nations of the world.

All that aside, finally having the epic flyer is a pretty liberating experience. With my riding crop, I'm getting pretty close to wind rider speeds and without the roundabout sight-seeing routes favored by the flight paths it probably takes about the same amount of time to get to where you're going. When I was leveling my warrior and needed the mats for my Lunar Crescent I would go on a mining run in Zangamarsh every morning. Zang is a good place for ore because even though there's no Rich Adamantite nodes, almost all of the ore is located around the perimeter of the zone. This means that you just do a lap around the zone and you'll hit the majority of the ore. Even on my land mount while leveling up it was lucrative. With my new mount I can make the whole trip in under ten minutes. The investment is already paying for itself.

To help foot the bill, I took all the money my priest had on him when he hit 70 (~1k). Since all I do is PVP I haven't really missed having a flying mount with him because you can't use it in any BGs or arena. Now that I finally have my epic, my first order of business will be to get the flyer for my priest, just because. After that I don't know, there's really nothing that I want to buy, maybe I'll look into some BOE craftable epics and see if anything looks worth picking up. Once again, all I really do is PVP so I'm mostly interested in the PVP epics/Arena gear but who know, maybe picking up some tanking epics wouldn't hurt, we'll see.


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