Friday, July 06, 2007

Keep on Keeping on.

So it's coming up on a month since I hit 70 on my priest. The first BG weekend after I hit 70 was AV and here we are again at the start of an AV weekend. AV weekend is a special time in WoW for the PVPer. It's a time when such large sums of honor can be accrued in such a short period of time, regardless of performance, that I seriously can't believe it hasn't been nerfed yet. If I had no responsibilities and was able to just plant myself in front of my computer until Sunday night, I think I could easily come up with 30k honor. Thinking about the avalanche of honor that is about to rain down upon me is enough to make me want to leave work right now and queue up, but alas, it is not to be. Still even with work and other responsibilities, I don't think it's unlikely that I will be able to grab somewhere in the area of 10k honor.

Playing a holy priest has completely recharged my desire to play WoW. One of the biggest problems I had during WoW 1.0 was that I only had one playable character and was always too intersted in advancing my main to level an alt. Because my main is a warrior, I faced a lot of challenges as a casual player. No one really needs a moderately geared warrior, you are totally replacable. It's was really difficult for me to find a premade group to roll with and in WoW 1.0 the advancement options for someone who didn't raid were dismal. You pretty much had the BG rep rewards and that was it. Now that it is possible to gear a character up completely through PVP, I don't feel like I'm wasting my time when I log on. Having a second character available that brings a completely different set of abilities to the table is really refreshing. While healing priests on the horde side aren't as coveted as they once were, I would still consider them tied with resto druids for second most desireable PVP healer. Dispel, Mass Dispell, PrOM, and PW:S are very good abilities, and I am capable of doing some decent healing despite my terrible, terrible gear.

This morning I crossed the 100 resilience mark, picking up the Veteran's Mooncloth Cuffs after only three days of farming. While 100 resilience is still a laughably low number for a PVP priest, I feel a very small sense of accomplishment. I am still at least 2 weeks away from my first piece of S2 gear, however by the time I get my second piece, I should be sporting somewhere in the area of 250 resilience. The honor cloak and bracers were no brainers, as they are the two least expensive epic items and replaced garbage greens. Now I am faced with a choice between the belt, boots, and rings as possible next purchases. They would all be upgrades for me, but if you were to take a look at my character, you would see that I am sporting two absolutely embarassing rings. I mean we're talking about a quest reward from Hellfire Citadel and a fucking ilvl 99 green ring. I'm throwing up in my mouth a little bit just typing that. So I can pick up the blue and epic honor rings for around 27k total. A long road to be sure, but I feel up to it.


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