Wednesday, July 11, 2007

National Warlock Tears Day

Well, it's official. Your % of crit chance reduction will now reduce DOT damage by the same percent. For top end players sporting 400 resilience this translates into a 10% reduction in DOT damage. Not bad, but I don't think it's as severe as the locks on the offcial forums are making it out to be. Trust me, once the change goes in and everyone gets used to it, warlocks will realize that they are still awesome. Of course, the poor shadow priests have to take it in the ass again. I haven't been to the priest forums yet but I can only imagine that it's as emo as ever, with wailing, dramatic posts and plenty of "I quit this time seriously I mean it why don't you believe me?".

This is an interesting situation for me. Since I play both a holy priest and a warrior, I'm not used to nerf news that doesn't concern me. Also, there are no locks on any of my arena teams so for once it's nothing but thumbs up. Ever since arena started, warlocks have been a source of never ending agony. As soon as I see the felhunter and/or UA I die a little bit inside. I'm not one to call for the nerf bat, but I think it's pretty obvious that locks are crazy fucking good and need to be toned down a little bit. Fel puppy, healthstones, spammable fear, huge HP pool, something had to be done. For myself and the people I play with, this is only going to be a 5% reduction in dot damage on average anyways. Nothing to get bent out of shape over, but a nice bonus for all the people who hate locks none the less.


Blogger Mike DoubleYou said...


1:59 PM  

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